agosto 01, 2008

Fantastic Four - Human Torch (Quarteto Fantástico - Tocha Humana)

Essa semana assisti finalmente o primeiro filme do Quarteto Fantástico.
Achei o filme legal, as mudanças feitas na origem dos personagens fez a coisa ficar mais real para o grande público.

Como eu gostei do filme, resolvi fazer um desenho do Tocha Humana....

/* english */
This week I attended the first movie of the Fantastic Four finally.
The movie is good, the changes done in the characters' origin did the thing to be more real for the great public.

As I liked the movie, I decided to do a drawing of the Human Torch.

2 comentários:

Lorraine A D Alvarez disse...

You got the perspective down well in this!

Josenilson disse...

To compose scenes are one of the most nice things when we draw, but it is difficult to work with the perspective. At least it is difficult for me!